#1 Deal of the Week…

Throughout the month of June, SU are bringing us a new deal every week! With the Deals of the Week, you’ll get up to 50 percent off a selection of products from the 2009-2010 Idea Book & Catalogue!

Ok Stampers, below is the first deal of the week….

This week’s deals –
Item # 112081   Page 152   Scallop Square Punch     Deal = $20.12
Item # 109183   Page 153   Trio Flower Punch          Deal = $20.12
Item # 110711   Page 153   Boho Blossoms Punch    Deal = $20.12
Item #114889    N/A*         Scallop Oval Punch        Deal = $20.12

*From Carryover flyer

Please contact me if you would like to place an order
Until tmw when I will be posting another card

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