CD Cases….

Over the next couple of days, I thought I would share with you a couple of CD Cases I created for The Handmade Expo which I attend the first Sunday of each month.  The best thing about this Expo is, it is held inside which means the weather has no influence in whether it is on or not.  Don’t you just love that!  The organisers do a great job with the Expo & stalls come from all over the South Queensland to attend.  It is slowly growing in numbers no only with the stalls, but with the public as well.

The Case today is created using all retired products, but could easily be recreated with current products.

Front Cover – 

Close Up –

Inside Case –
Until next time, Happy Stampin’

After so many enquiries as to where I purchased my calendar, they can now be found under the page “Yearly Calendars

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