Global Stamping Friends Blog Hop


Once again I am hopping along with the Global Stamping Friends Blog Hop.  The hop includes International Demos from all over the world.

This month we have a sketch to play along with & one which I seem to have had a hard time creating but I think it was me overthinking things.  I then went back to the drawing board & decided to keep it pretty simple with lots of Whisper White & touches of Grapefruit Grove (new 2018-2020 In Colour) which will be available in June.

31230470_10156155428950479_7928509022825611264_nBy clicking on the link above the photo, you will be able to download a free tutorial to create your own version.  The tutorial includes a list of products used, measurements (metric & imperial) plus a tutorial for the card.

To see more inspiration, be sure to visit all the other blogs in the hop – click on the Next arrow or the links below the photo.

Until next time, Happy Stampin’


Tutorial has been updated

384. Friend – Lovely Floral Dynamic EF

Thoughtful Banners, Lovely Floral EF, 2018-2020 In Colours, Free Tutorial, Stampin' Up! #lovelyfloralef #thoughtfulbanners #vickywright, #stampinup

next gsfRoll Call for Blog Hop –

 1. Jenn Curtis Charlesenn Curtis Charles

2. Tricia Butts

3. Anastasia Radloff

4. Anita Wifladt

5. Anja Reuss

6. Jan Musselman

7.Lisa Ann Bernard

8 Angélique Stempelkeuken

9. Sharon Dalton

10.Vicky Wright – That’s Me

11.Marieke Bart

12. Mary Ann Kay Rossiter

13. Sarah Mcdermott

14. Kimberley Anne Morris

12 thoughts on “Global Stamping Friends Blog Hop

  1. Very very clever design! Thank you for taking part and showing a new technique – love it!

  2. I have not seen this done in anything but Ink. Very Cool!! It makes a gorgeous card. TSF

  3. Gorgeous card design. I love the white on white with the touch of color to make it all pop. The embossing adds a classical elegance to your design. 🙂

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