Blog Award… Twice…

Wow, how exciting is this?  To be given this award twice!  Once from Kris and now from another blogging friend Gwen – Thanks Gwen!
Part of receiving this award is to –
Thank the person who gave you the award
Share 8 things about yourself
Pass this award onto 8 bloggers who inspire you
Now for the part that to me is tricky –

I have been a SU Demonstrator for 3 years
I signed up to be a Demonstrator at the first class I went to
I do volunteer work
I love chocolate, but then again who doesn’t
I love all paper, ribbon, stamps, glitter, embellishements, ………..
When growing up, we always had pet kangaroos
I love all animals, well maybe not snakes

Hope you haven’t found that too boring?

There are a lot of blogs who inspire me, but unfortunately I can only choose 8, so here they are –


Thanks again Gwen, appreciate it.  Please enjoy visiting the above blogs as much as I do.

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