What a surprise when I opened my email the other day. There was an email from Maria –
http://craftymariasstampingworld.blogspot.com to say she had passed an award onto me. Maria is a very talented SU Demonstrator who makes the most lovely flowers. Why not click onto her blog & pay her a visit. You will truely be inspired.

This award is for those blogs who have less than 300 followers. It is to be passed along to 3-5 blogs.
My 3 are –
Adele & Lisa – http://www.adelefrancis.blogspot.com/
Kelly – http://www.weekendstamper.blogspot.com/
Gwen – http://www.gwenscardsnstampsinbloom.com/
These ladies are all very talented, so please go check them out!
Until next time, Enjoy!