Gorgeous Blogger Award….

Last month I received this “Gorgeous Blogger Award” from the very talented Kris .  Isn’t the little girl so cute in the badge?

 I am very late in posting this to my blog.  Kris is a very talented SU! as well as my one of my co-partners with Sunny Challenges & Creations, so I feel very honoured & humble in receiving it!

To receive this award there are a couple of things I must do –

Thank the person who gave me this award – A very big Thank You Kris
Paste the award to my blog
Link the person who nominated you for this award
Nominate as many other bloggers for this award as you like
Post links to their blogs

Now, for me the hardest part is deciding who to pass this award onto – there are soooooooooooo many talented stampers & crafters out there who inspire me daily.  If I was to pass it onto everyone I would be here for quiet sometime, so I’ve had to really narrow it down.

Here we go –
Leah Weir –  http://stampinwithleah.blogspot.com.au
Erna Logtenberg – http://ernalogtenberg.blogspot.com.au
Jean McKenzie – http://jeanmckenzie.blogspot.com.au
Tami Black – http://www.makeminestamps.com

Please visit these ladies blogs & let them know how gorgeous their work is.  I am sure they would tickled pink to have you leave a comment.

Happy Stampin’

4 thoughts on “Gorgeous Blogger Award….

  1. Thank you so much Vicky for giving me the bloggers award. I am glad that you like my work! There are just so many blogs out there with such beautiful work – I would not know who to pass the award on to. Such creative people whom I admire!

Thank you for taking the time visit my blog & to leave a comment