“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”

Lest We Forget.

Today is the day we celebrate ANZAC Day!
April 25 is a day of national remembrance to those brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our country.  On this day in 1914 the ANZAC’s– Australian & New Zealand forces – stormed onto the shores of Gallipoli in order to open the Dardanelles to the allied navies.  To read more about the history of the ANZAC’s, please google “ANZAC”, you will be in for a great read & will bring tears to your eyes….
For myself, as well as many Australians, it is a day throughout Australia which begins with the Dawn Service, followed by the many marches throughout the country & then finally lunch, drinks & “Two-Up” at the local RSL’s – Return Services League. 
More importantly, it is a day I get to mingle with the heroes of our country, sit & listen to their war & personal stories & of the mates they have lost & left behind – some very funny that they bring tear to your eyes, some very sad they bring tears to your eyes!  I was one of the lucky ones that never saw war while serving, but the same cannot be said for a lot of the service men & women of today.
“We will remember them!”

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