SC 078/13…

Our challenge over at Sunny Challenges & Creations has been set by Gwen.  She has been very kind to us this week as there is no sketch, but we are requested to create a Card, 3-D Project or even a Scrapbook Page with a “Sympathy Theme“.

I actually completed my card for a couple of challenges ago, but when I went to post it, realised that I had the wrong challenge.  I have since used the card, so it is no longer in my possession.

I love the little rose which is in Stamp Set “Papaya Collage“.  It seems to suit any occasion & I have used it a lot of late.  In fact this is one of the cards we created in our Stamping Classes this month.

I love the clean simple look of the card. 

To grab the tutorial for your own use, please click on the link below –
Shop Online to purchase your supplies to create your own card
Don’t forget to head on over to check out what Gwen, Kris & Maria have created for this challenge.
Until next time, Happy Stampin! 

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