SC 053/12….

Our challenge this week has been set by Gwen.  It is a great chance to create those Birthday Cards that are always so handy to have in our stash. 

For my card I used the Stamp Set – Elements of Style, along with the set from SAB – Elementary Elegance & of course, the mtching Frame to go with the Stamp Set – Four Frames…..
Now, for my card, I’ve killed 2 birds with the one stone!  I also used the challenge to create one of the cards that we are creating in our Technique Class today – Cracked Glass!
Don’t forget to pop on over to Sunny Challenges & Creations to check out what Gwen, Kris, Christine & Kathryn have created.  We would love to see what you can come up with using the challenge above.
Until next time, Happy Stampin!

Technique Class….

One of our techniques last sunday arvo was the “Reverse Spotlighting“.  what a fun, fun technique & we all enjoyed creating this card.  Not only was the technique used on the card, but we created an “Easel Card” as well.

Bottom of Easel…
Aren’t the colours gorgeous on this card.  This is the first time, this stamp set has been inked, but think it will be seeing a lot more ink somehow, as it stamps such beautiful images.
Have a great day!

Thinking of You….

I love the way this card turned out.  It is one of the cards we created in our Technique Class on Sunday – Bleaching….  What a fun technique!  I know I will be doing more of this one….

Some people find it hard to create a male’s card, so we will be mixing our cards so that we cater for males, females, kids, etc as well as ocassions.  I find what works the best for male cards is to stick to basic layouts – can’t go wrong!

Inside Card…
Until next time, Happy Stampin’

Technique Class…

Today’s card is the 2nd from our Technique Class “Black Magic” we completed a couple of weeks ago.

This is such a fun technique, but I must warn you, it can be a little messy!

Until next time, Happy Stampin’

Technique Class…

I’ve suddenly realised I haven’t been posting our cards we have been creating in the Technique Class which is held every second Sunday at the Caloundra Community Centre.  In this class we created 2 cards using the technique, although they may be slightly variations from card to card.

Today’s card was held a couple of weeks ago now, but still think it a beautiful card.  The inspiration for the card came from our current catalogue.  The Technique we used was Black Magic….. 

I know what you are syaing “Why would I do green flowers?”  Yep, I thought the same.  I used a yellow on the flowers, but because of dark Cardstock & the Old Olive Cardstock used for the Base Card, over about an hour or so, the colour slowly turned to green.

I know, going mad, you say.  Well I had convinced myself that I used a green pencil to colour, but much to my relief the same thing happened to the ladies in the class…..

Don’t forget to pop back in a couple of days & I will show you the 2nd card we created using the same fun technique.

Until next time, Happy Stampin’